Which is why every house will be fitted with a picture window .
Go to an American home in exurbia , and almost the first thing you do is drift toward the picture window .
The upstairs room had a large picture window looking out over the valley .
The showroom is a shipping container , with a big picture window and no clear entrance .
Outside the huge picture window he could see the dark blue sheet of the Pacific lying fiat beneath the moonlight .
If he gets his way , the TV will disappear into the view , and the term picture window will be redefined .
Turning , I once again saw the familiar figure of Sarah Albright , standing tall and proud near the large picture window .
They sat at a picture window overlooking the Spanish Steps , with Saint Peter 's looming gloriously in the distance .
Each'finger'has a box shaped picture window end providing a visual connection between the occupants and passers-by giving high visibility to the interior spaces during both day time and evening .
Mr. Iseman 's container , painted azure inside , cost about $ 12000 to make habitable , with a lofted bed and a picture window carved into one flank .
An aquarium is a picture window of the underwater world . A piece of the universe where great things happen-birth , life and death ; mating and feeding before our eyes .
Terry used to look east , out the picture window in his living room , across Lake Washington , and joke with his mother that some day he would buy her a house on the Eastside .
GLORIA : Do you think I can take a picture through this window ?
One day in 1884 , I saw a picture in the window of a shop near the hospital .
One day in 1884 , I saw a picture in the window of a shop near the hospital . I stopped in front of the shop and looked at the picture .
Common Operational Picture is the window of real-time situational awareness in battlespace , The most important feature of COP is its connect of all echelons and commands .
A basic Advent calendar has a Christmassy picture behind each window , but the children 's favorite is usually a chocolate Advent calendar , with a chocolate for every day of the month .
Click Transfer It ! to move the picture to an application window .
Make sure your picture matches the inset window , especially along the edges .
Based on ActiveX Automotion and other techniques , the relevant 3D models can be invoked into the main display and design platform of the 3D modeling design system by double-clicking the selected mapping picture in the browsing window .